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welcome to loyalty program. think of it as shopping with lil RPG element

I have questions
Subscribe -- is to subs our mailing list to stay updated with the latest news and exclusive content.
Sign up -- is for signing up membership (free) to start earning points and rewards.
No, I migrated all the data from my old website. But if you want to be sure, you can just try to subscribe and see what it said.
you will automatically get it when you sign up in this new website.
since subs and signing up is different.Once you have signed up and verify with my old data
I will send out bonus points individually based on your history as my gratitude for your years of support.
on the other hand the inactive account will be deleted from the database.
PS: this is the first time I tried this program, there might be changes and tweak along the way or even errors. Thankyou for your understanding.

All humans are labeled as the ‘Seed’ when they are born into this world. They have the potential to become more, but only those who successfully hone their mental and physical prowess will proceed to the next state.
Welcome to the loyalty program.
When you Sign Up, you automatically earn the badge ‘Seed’
this will allow you to earn points when you purchase my works
Requirement :
Sign In to website
+ 1$ earn 10pts
+ Birthday Bonus = 200pts
+ access to Badge disc bonus 10%

After proving themselves, they are bestowed with the ‘Leaf’ and begin training in Kajitjutsu, preparing for the biggest challenge ahead - The Trial of Fruition. Some scatter in fear, many lose their lives. Completing this trial allows one to become the Kajitsugami.
Congratulation you earn the badge ’Leaf’ and you are one step earning your title as a Kajitsugami
this is the training arc for your character, collecting points just like exp points
Requirement :
Collect 3650pts
+ 1$ earn 15pts
+ Birthday Bonus = 300pts
+ access to Badge disc bonus 15%

Those who pass the Trial of Fruition will acquire the essence of the fruit and are worthy of bearing the title ‘Kajitsugami’. They will obtain sacred garments and weapons, both crafted from the reamins of the Beast ‘Kajitsumono’. These sacred items are unique and only exist as pairs.
Congratulation you earn the badge ‘Fruit’ and now are a full fledge Kajitsugami.
Your long commitment and determination will be rewarded.
You will earn more perks and finally get a visual form of your Kajitsugami. there is more so be prepared...
Requirement :
Collect 6900pts
+ 1$ earn 20pts
+ Birthday Bonus = 500pts
+ access to Badge disc bonus 20%
★ Obtain Kajitsugami
★ Access exclusive page
★ Obtain Motionframe as my gratitude